The Joomla! content management system (CMS) is an open source content management system for web developers to build and manage web sites quickly and easily. The structure of Joomla! allows developers to build complex sites and customize them to the specific needs of their clients, while providing an easy to use interface for clients to manage and update their sites on their own.
Most domain hosting companies already support Joomla!, so enabling is a snap. Joomla! allows the web developer to customize the look of the site via a template. Many free templates are available, others are available at modest fees, and they are all customizable to match client branding. A site can be set up from scratch quickly, or discretely customized with the help of Joomla Tutorials.
Functions can be added to Joomla! through the installation of extensions, which come in the form of components or modules depending on their function and complexity. There is a wide variety of components and modules available, from statistic counters to mailing list applications, blogs, forums, and much more. The Joomla! web site allows users to search for and download components and modules. Joomla! can support e-commerce applications, inventory control, and product controls for the retailer.
Joomla! is an open source cms system. This means that the Content Management System and many of the components and modules, as well as the Joomla! sites are maintained and developed by volunteers. Users can donate to Joomla! to support overhead costs. A set of forums at the Joomla! web site provides a place for developers to ask questions and find answers to many questions about administration, installation, extensions, customization, templates, and much more. Some extensions created by third party companies require a fee to purchase and use, but many have evaluation versions of their extensions for developers to try out before purchase.
Joomla! is a great tool for the web developer toolbox, allowing developers to quickly and easily create vibrant and deceptively complex web sites that are a snap to upgrade and maintain.
Hi, good info. somehow i always end up using phpwebsite as CMS instead of Joomla. Maybe the tutorial can help me ๐
Joomla is one of the best CMS systems I worked with. Learn it. it’s worth it.