I run some blogrolls of my own on my other sites and I’ve found that a number of people have no idea how to add a blogroll to their site. Even though I haven’t used all of the different types of blogging platforms I’ve learned from my blogroll members how they finally managed to add the code to their sidebar.
To make things easier for you I thought I’d post the instructions for Typepad users here.
Charles from Deuces Stay Wild figured out this one for us:
1. In TypePad, create a Notes typelist.
2. Name your list – perhaps “Wordless Wedneday” or whatever the name of the particular blogroll happens to be.
3. Next you click the “add new item” button
4. Then in the “notes” section you paste the blogroll code – that’s the code that begins with the word script.
5. Next you save the changes.
6. After saving your changes you must go to your edit design page
7. And then to change content selections
8. Once you are on the change content selections you select (check the check-box) your new typelist, which in this case is whatever you just named the new blogroll.
9. Save your changes and you are done!
I don’t use Typepad and as a result if you have further questions I won’t be able to answer them. Sorry. However, if you know of an easier way to add a blogroll to Typepad please feel free to tell me your method.