Yet another site that I use regularly for blog promotion is Blogsoldiers. This site was recently sold to a new owner and I really like what the new owners being doing to promote Blogsoldiers and get more members.
There are regular surfing contests where the top ten surfers win 500 to 100 credits each. Plus the new owner has instigated a bonus system that kicks in as you are surfing sites. I don’t know how many sites you have to surf before the bonus’ credit questions come up but If you are surfing (viewing) sites for an hour you’re bound to get bonus points at least once, if not twice.
The owner of Blogsoldiers send out newsletters every so often announcing new contests and just keeping in touch with the site members. Very few of the other traffic exchanges do this on a regular basis with the exception of Blogazoo.
Tim LInden says
So this was posted quite a while ago, I was wondering if you still use traffic exchanges regularly (Blogsoldiers) or if you stopped?
The past couple months I was able to get a couple hundred email subscribers by sticking one of those feedburner forms on a page and advertising what my blog was about. I hear people say it’s not worth it so I’m trying to spread some cheer that it can still work =P