One great way to get more visitors to your site is to visit other sites. You have to give comments to get comments.
Over the last year I’ve spent at least an hour each day if not more going around to my favorite blogs and commenting on their posts. They in turn come back and visit my sites.
When people come to your site and leave a comment you should try to respond to them in someway. Whether you reply to their comment by email, or respond to their comment on your site – do respond. It helps keep the posts conversation flowing.
Think about it. When you go and visit a blog are you more likely to click and leave a comment if there’s already some comments there? Often that is the case. I know that I’ll sometimes click on a posts comment area specifically to read the other visitors comments. If I choose to leave a comment of my own it’s not always directly about the post as it might be in response to one of the comments that I read.
Another way to start to get some response to your posts is to make them interactive. Write in a way that your readers will be compelled to leave a comment.
Ask questions of your readers in your posts.
“Has that ever happened to you? Tell me about it.”
If you’re writing a post about an old friend ask your readers when the last time was that they bumped into an old friend on the street.
If you’re writing about something ask your readers their opinion.
-what would they do in that situation?
-What item would they have purchased?
-How would they have responded when someone said that to them?
In one post that I wrote recently on my other blog I was talking about a shopping trip to Walmart. It’s a new Superstore Walmart. It replaced the smaller Walmart that we used to shop at. The old one sold food – but only dried and canned goods and frozen foods. Nothing fresh. This new one has a true grocery store section with fresh meat, and produce. I checked out the meat while I was there but I was leary about purchasing meat because from past experience I know there’s some stores that it’s just better to not buy certain types of food from. In my post I decided to ask my readers if they ever purchased fresh meat at Walmart and if it was quality meat. Several people responded with the majority answering that the meat is really good.
I made my post interactive, got a question that I wanted answered and got a lot of great comments.
You can even throw a poll into your posts every now and then. Try to word the poll questions and answers in a way that your readers want to expand on their answer in your comment section.
Just keep trying different things like that and I’m sure you’re readers will start to respond and leave comments. When they do leave comments respond to what they say in your own comment area, through email and or by visiting their site.
It can be a lot of work but I guarantee that it will work.