I’ve been keeping my eye out for great web, technology and webmaster discussion forums. I’ve been a member of some of these forums for quite a while but I’m discovering new forums regularly.
If you want to keep track of the latest tech news and search engine optimization techniques it’s a great idea to join webmaster related forums. Even if you are still rather new to owning a website or blogging. The more you learn, and the more that you can do on your own the better.
Posting and interacting on webmaster related forums is also a great way to meet others that share your interests and possibly gain links to sites that are similar to your own.
I found a post over on WebGeek that lists a number of top webmaster forums and communities. The numbers listed beside each forum listing is the number of registered members on the site as of the time of writing.
I was aware of, and a member of many of these forums and communities already, but there are a few that he’s listed that I must go and explore.
Thanks for the link. I have been learning a ton ever since starting my first site and and have only found a few good webmaster forums.