I went on a domain buying spree! No I’m not about to create a bunch of new blogs. I purchased new domains so that I could move some of my existing blogs over to their own domains.
You see, my main blog related domain is feverishthoughts.com. I had originally started the blog that is currently located on that domain on another domain that I own. It was on a sub-directory. Last June I decided that I enjoyed blogging quite a bit and I wanted to start a few more blogs but I really didn’t want them to be on my original domain. The original domain that I was using was one that I’d set up for my reptile care website. A bunch of blogs about different topics on an exotic pet domain just didn’t seem right, so that’s how I began my mini network of blogs on Feverishthoughts.
Now all those new blogs that I started last summer have grown in popularity and since I use some of them to make money and I thought that it might be better to give each of them their own domain.
Unfortunately, for a little while at least, I’m going to have twice the amount of blogging to do. You see, I don’t want to just up and move my current blogs to their new homes. The new domains don’t have any page rank yet, or any links going to them. I haven’t even begun to promote the new sites yet either, let alone installed WordPress on each of them.
What I think I’ll do is spend the next three or so months blogging regularly on the new domains. I’ll make sure that whatever posts I make on the new domain are in keeping with the topic and style of posts that are on the blogs that will be moved over to these new sites. Blogging on each of the new domains as much as twice a week for three or so months, and promoting the sites as I build them should help them gain some page rank. Once they’ve attained some page rank I’ll make the move. Or at least I think I’ll be moving them.
The blogs that I plan to move to their own domains have decent ranks now. They range from PR3 to PR4 and have good Technorati and Alexa ranks as well. They also have rss subscribers. Gee this is getting more and more difficult the more I think about it. Within the next few weeks Google will begin it’s dance and there will be a page rank update. If my current blogs go up in rank it’s going to be really hard for me to move them to their new homes and lose that rank.
I really expect my gardening site, which is currently a PR4, to move up to a PR5 and if I’m lucky it won’t take long for it to become a PR6. It’s a popular niche blog so I think I’m being realistic in that hope and well, expectation.
The new domains don’t have anything on them yet but that will change in the next few days:
As the Garden Grows – homeandgardendiva.com
Celebrity Scoop – celebrityscoop.org
WebStyle – getwebstyle.com
My husbands sites
Guitar Licks – guitarlicksandtips.com
Odd Planet – trulyoddplanet.com
and, ok I lied, there’s one brand new site:
Shopping Maniac – shoppingmaniac.net
What do you think of those domain names? As you can see I had already named the sites in a way that describes what they are about to some degree, and luckily I managed to get domains that are very similar to the original name of the site. Well, As the Garden grows will become Home and Garden Diva, but that’s descriptive too.
Those domain names sound great!
I sympathize. I mean… I have a knitting blog posting under http://thedietdiary.com/blog.
It’s even a popular knitting blog!
Nice grab on Celebrityscoops.org That is a really good name. I dont understand why but celebrity sites get a ton of traffic. I am also a domain name buyer. I always have big plans for them. Now I just need to get some done.
I just went through some serious pain and suffering with my web host creating a new blog. Trying to get them to understand how I wanted a domain name to be parked so that it hit my subdomain without using a frames redirect was a nightmare. Took me two weeks to finally speak to a tech that understood what I wanted. Anyway, hopefully you haven’t been tagged for the I Follow/ Do Follow movement yet, because now you have been – more SEO work for ya – http://castlenottingham.com/wordpress/2007/05/04/i-follow/
Dave, celebrity blogs get heaps of traffic because people are nosey. ๐ BTW, I think it’s a great name even if it is a .org.
Tricia you must be busy busy busy! Well done though you are probably doing quite well for yourself!