This MP3 Sports Wristband is one of the latest concepts in active media wear.
Nathan Davis came up with the idea for this wearable tiny iPod shuffle as a way to solve some of the problems that occur with larger sports model players such as slipping and skipping.
The Sports wristband is made of silicone and you can wear it on your arm or wrist. Music is transmitted via Bluetooth headphones which will eliminated the tangle of wires so common with many of the other conventional headphones.
There’s no word yet as to whether this product will actually go into production. It does seem like it could be a hit. What do you think?
When does it come out and where do I buy one? Cool stuff. Feel free to visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona and my new blog at the Raven’s Barrow.
That is a slick watch. Hopefully Apple comes out with something similar using bluetooth technology. Nice find.
Interesting. Makes it hassle free without the wires entangling around it. Why not? I might just wanna give it a try as well.
I usually don’t jump at gadgets like this, but since I’ve started running recently, I really think I might actually pick one up!
Thanks for the heads up, I’m going to do some price comparisons in a moment:)
I think that this is a great idea. I wonder what type of issues you may have with any damages. I break watches a lot. This does seem like a great product. Pretty soon we are going to get an MP3 implant in us to allow for us to hear music without any external devices!
I’d actually feel like buying that thing. I always wear watches but I hate having Ipod’s or that sort of stuff on me. Add on top of that the Bluetooth headset and it’s a match made in heaven.
Great gadget!
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it has a chance but i don’t think it’s not the “next-big-thing” kind.