I mentioned on my other site that I was out shopping on Tuesday. I completely forgot that along with all the clothes that I ended up purchasing I also got some kids bedding. It’s my nieces birthday in a week and we wanted to get her a nice gift. She’s a real girly girl so we got her some bedding that is of course pink and extremely feminine.
She’s gonna love it.
The best thing about buying the bedding was that it was on sale! We got it for more than 50% off the regular price. I just love a bargain.
Hey this sounds really nice…hope your niece has a great time…and your gift surely sound great…i’m sure she’s gonna love it!!!
I seem to buy a lot of gifts at a big discount. If I see something that I know someone inmy family would love then I buy it if I see it cheap. Yeah, that means most of my Christmas shooping is done a few months early and at a 30-70% off price.