I’ve noticed that one of the newish frequent commenter’s on several of my blogs is a Las Vegas Real Estate agent. She signs her posts with her business name and I know after reading some discussions on a forum that this has thrown a few people off.
Why? Well, we all get spammers coming around trying to leave comments so they’ll get a link to their site. This isn’t the case with this lady though. Yes she is a real estate agent but she’s also a blogger and she leaves legitimate comments that relate to the post.
Hey, I’ve got blogs and websites and there’s been times when I’ve been on a site that related to one of my websites and I’ve left the address for my site when I signed up to leave the comment. I don’t mind when others do this from time to time … I mean, not everyone has a blog, yet they still might enjoy reading them.
It’s the people that leave multiple links in their comments – even in legitimate comments that bother me. If the link doesn’t really relate to the post or the comment I really don’t care for the extra links.
I’ve removed the nofollow tags from my sites and as a result I’m actually giving away a tiny bit of my sites PR for each outgoing link. I don’t like to give out extra if there’s no good reason for it.
I’ve noticed the same think in my community on MyBlogLog. If the first comment I get from someone says, “Come visit my community,” and they leave a link, I don’t feel very much like clicking on it.
I don’t see a blog attached to that site. But, quite a few agents in Vegas have a separate blog. Ours it part of the site, plus I have two other stand along blogs.
Hey Trica,
I get the odd commenter like that from time to time. My site is do follow as well and if someone links to an unrelated site in the comment I just edit the comment and make it no follow by doing this.
That link should be no follow.