I got a note yesterday evening from my webhost stating that my sites were using too much of their resources. Most of our sites are fairly well visited but I don’t believe they are so well visited that they would begin causing CPU problems on my web host just yet.
So, I’ve been going over all our sites for the last few hours turning off any plugins that aren’t vital and ones that I think might use CPU. For example I had viewcounter and postrater activated on two of our sites and since they store info in the database I thought that they might be using the hosts CPU so it was worth turning them off.
I’ve also downloaded a copy of WP-Cache that I’m going to be installing in a few minutes. This caches a page when it’s first viewed and then presents the cached copy the next time it’s viewed and doesn’t create a new cache copy of the page until data on the page changes or I think until a certain amount of time has passed. If this works properly it should cut down on the amount of resources that my sites are using.
I’m also going to update my Google Sitemaps plugin as the latest Beta version has been optimized to use fewer CPU resources.
I’m crossing my fingers that this works.
In the meantime my host has moved my sites to a different server on their network. I’m not sure the move went well because once I got to this blog I noticed that when I tried to click on the titles of the posts I got an error message. I hope they didn’t mess up my database!
That’s one reason why I’m writing a post now. I’m hoping the new post will update my database and fix whatever’s going on with the rest of the posts. I sure hope it does, and I also hope that this posts when I publish it!
If anyone has been put on notice by their webhost that their site is overusing CPU resources how did you resolve the problem? Any suggestions?
I trust you are using wp-Cache? If you aren’t using the WP-Cache plugin then that is an easy way to reduce your site usage by orders of magnitude
I saw the same problem on a forum with Googlebot causing this problem
The hosting company just blocked the G bot and announced that person
Hope this is not the same problem
Hows it going with your problem..?
the only fix i found is to clear the cache and settings? for the deivce, restart the tablet and access the android market again. if you use a software called gemini file manager, you can backup any apps installed on the deivce you you dont have to go on the android market for it once you have it installed (in the event you reset your deivce).
I am also interested in how you fixed this
It might happen to me one day
Scott yes I’m using WP-Cache. I wasn’t before this, but within hours of getting the message that I had CPU over usage problems I had it installed on all of our blogs. Up to last Wednesday I was still getting messages that I had CPU resource problems. I haven’t heard from the web host since then so I’m going to write to them today to ask them if there’s still a problem or not.
I’ve done everything I can think of to fix this short of shutting down a site or two!
Cazare I don’t think it’s googlebot that’s causing the problem. One of my websites is run on Joomla and I hadn’t upgraded that sites software in a long time. The error log within that site was jam packed … so I think it might have been one of the sources of trouble. Everything else has been upgraded now too … I haven’t heard from my web host so I’m not sure if I’ve solved the problem or not. I hope I have!
No fix yet!
Music – I don’t know if I’ve fixed the problem yet or not as I haven’t heard back from my webhost. I’ve done a lot of things in the past week or so, so I’m not sure I’d be able to pinpoint what the fix was exactly if it is better but I’ll certainly be posting what I did and what I think might have fixed the cpu resource problem once I know for sure that I’ve resolved the issue. Stay tuned!
Well, I may be way off the mark here, but some hosts are less scrupulous than others and there are limited ways to verify the claim of CPU hogging. I wouldn’t jump ship or anything, but I would certainly look at your options as far as what you would do if you did happen to find out that they are trying to squeeze you. Which I’m sure they aren’t, but everyone else already said all the cool stuff I wanted to say:(
This happened to us this week at the place i work! We had to wait a while before our website could be viewed again… the site i work on at work is an education website and doesn’t have a ton of traffic yet.. So I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen once our site started getting more visitors.. If it were up to me (it’s up to my boss lol), I’d probably switch hosts if they couldn’t find a plan that prevented this from happening.. ๐