If you’ve always wonder just how a computer virus works and or spreads you should take a look at this video.
Not surprisingly, computer virus work in a similar manner to that of human virus in that it just takes one virus to infect something and it spreads from there.
Check out this video from “How things Work”:
As the video says, if you don’t have anti-virus protection on your computer you are just asking for a big problem. I use Norton Anti-virus because it comes free with my ISP, but there are some very good free antivirus programs out there such as AVG.
Thanks for sharing!
Nice video. I’ve heard of AVG but haven’t used it yet. Maybe on my next computer.
Slightly dated video (the newest viruses are e-mail viruses) but all the same great content. Thanks for the share! ๐
Jason AVG is supposed to be the best free anti virus program. Some say it’s even better than many of the paid ones.
Affiliate marketing? A name would be nice if feels weird addressing someone this way .. anyway .. why do you say the video is dated? It does talk about email virus’ at the end.
I hate paying to update that stupid virus protection but I know as soon as I don’t, I’ll get a virus.