I’m trying out a couple of new plugins and for some reason it’s messed up page two. Please excuse the mess.
I’m actually creating this new post in the hope that by adding something to my database it will fix the problem. Who knows … might be worth a try!
Edit – it didn’t seem to help. Oh dear.
Maybe someone can help?
Good luck!
Seems to be fixed now. Crossing my fingers!
You have to be careful with a lot of the wordpress plugins. Some won’t work depending on what template you use. Others screw up your site completely!
I hate that when a new plugin gives you unintended side effects. I don’t know how many hours I’ve spent getting “simple” plugins to work.
No it turned out it was a problem with a video from “The News Room” I think their code is messed up every once in a while.
Maintain a website has this kind of inconvenient. You update a page but without knowing it, you are modifying other sections of the web which you wanted to remain as they were.