I was just visiting feedburner and much to my shock almost all my sites said that they had zero subscribers!
Obviously something strange has happened at feedburner or at least I kind of hope that something has. I mean, some of my sites have a few hundred subscribers or they did up until I checked my feedburner stats a few minutes ago.
Check your feedburner account and see if your subscribers have suddenly decreased or worse fallen to zero.
Let me know what you find out?
The same on my site… Zero feedburner readers… 😐
don´t worry about, the readers will come.
my stats: 4readers
You may want to check your subscriber link some have been getting broken mine took ages to fix was giving me a xml parsing error.
Andreas at least it seems that Feedburner was only acting up for a few hours. My subscriber counts went back up to normal sometime the next day and I assume yours did too.
the good german – huh? I was complaining that feedburners stats were wrong not that I didn’t have any feed subscribers. LOL This site doesn’t have as many as I’d like but many of the other blogs that I’ve listed with Feedburner have hundreds of subscribers. It was really weird signing in and seeing them all at zero.
shazad I don’t think it was a link problem because Feedburner is listing my subscriber stats properly again. Or at least I think it’s the correct amount now. I think they just had a glitch in their system and I happened to sign in to check my subscriber stats at the wrong time and was greeted by big fat zeros! LOL That was a shock!
How accurate is Feedburner really? I just ask because I have a brand new blog and the traffic numbers show no visitors yet Feedburner is showing 5 subscribers. If that’s true then great, 5 subscribers after 5 days is good for me, but why then do they show just 1 or 2 visitors a day? And why does the number of subscribers jump around so much? I went from 1 to 3 to 0 to 5 subscribers on a blog that shows no traffic. It just makes me wonder once I do get traffic coming how much I will be able to trust the Feedburner stats.
i have 25 readers at the moment. it have been 32 a few days ago. but i also don´t know if that is true. would be interesting to know.