The doors to PLRpro are opening again today at 9:00 a.m.. If you’ve been waiting for your chance to join this fantastic PLR content site here’s your chance!
Note: that time above was wrong. It was supposed to be 9:00 pm PST but I think it will be more like 11 PM. Sorry.
I decided to check out PLRPro a few months ago when the doors to this membership site last opened, and I must say that I’m impressed with the content, the resources and the level of service.
I’m impressed, not just because of the quality they bring to the table in regards to PLR Content, but also because of the additional education and material that they provide for free. In fact, something you’ll probably want to checkout before you join PLRPro is their site which takes a user from start to finish, and they offer that for free.
When I first joined PLRpro there were offering the following:
- 440 articles across 11 niches (40 articles in each niche)
- Full keyword research in each niche
- Affiliate lists for each niche
- Header Graphics for each niche
- 5 Website Templates each month
- Articles done in 8 languages
- 50 PR4 sites that you can get links from to get your sites indexed and crawled
In addition to the above I also joined because they were creating a new system, Project Green Button, which would make it easy to create HTML and eventually WordPress Websites within minutes.
“Imagine A “Push Button” System That Automates 95% Of Site Creation, Content Creation and Traffic Generation… Now Open Your Eyes, That “Push Button” System Is Here…”
I’ve had a chance to use the Project Green Button or PGB software and I’m impressed. Right now this software is in Phase One and with PGB you’ll be able to
- Site Creation – Automatically building HTML sites that are fully structured and ready to go with perfect onpage optimization in just 3 minutes (you can do it in under 60 seconds but you have to type fast…) that requires zero technical knowledge.
- Content Management – 440 articles each month across 11 niches
- Site Templates – 25 beautiful templates as the initial “bank of templates” from which you can draw upon to build your niche sites
- Adsense Monetization – Stage one of PGB introduces the core monetization method behind building an income online… Adsense. Stage two will add additional monetization such as Kontera, Clickbank, eBay and Amazon.
- Full Silo Keyword Search – Each and every niche has all of this already done for you so you don’t need to go search for the next greatest keyword…just look for, and find an ideal keyword for maximum traffic and speed. The keyword research for each niche is done in an easily laid out Excel sheet that you can quickly glance at and find perfectly targeted long tail keywords to start generating traffic in as little as 5 days.
- 10,000 strong blog network – This networks makes it easy to get one way backlinks via PLRpro’s Article Marketing Automation system. As a Member of PLRpro you’ll get access to this system completely free of charge.
- RSS Feed Submission module
- Social bookmarking poster module
- PGB desktop command center. You simply install the PGB software on you computer and from there you can access the site building software and traffic related modules.
- $0-6000 a month training plan – If you follow the system that the guys at PLRpro have put together you should be able to make between $2000 and $6000 every month.
There are many additional features that are available right now too many to tell you about in this article! Product reviews, the ability to drag and drop YouTube videos into your articles, aided rewriting of your articles to make them unique, weekly live training and more! Plus Project Green Button isn’t finished! There will be a second and third phase which will add even more modules that will assist in the building of site and generating traffic.
They could easily charge double or triple what they are charging for membership.
I’ve used the system to create a few sites and it works. I’m pleased with the sites I’ve created, I’m pleased with the quality of the PLR content and I’m excited about Project Green Button.
Now, as I said at the beginning of this article PLRpro is opening it’s doors this morning and it will likely only be for a short time as there are only 262 spots to fill. That’s it. When those 262 memberships are taken the doors will be closed again and likely won’t open again until sometime in 2009.
So if all that I’ve written above sounds like it might be something you’re interested in please go and check out the PLRpro website today.
It sounds great. How much is the membership?
Sounds like a great way to get content ideas…