If you’re looking to generate free website traffic, the internet has many available options. There are certainly companies that will be more than happy to take your money to try and increase your website traffic. These services are fantastic if you don’t have the time to do the research on strategies yourself. However, if you have the time and the inclination to learn about driving traffic, your best bet is to generate your own free website traffic.
The people who generally opt out of using free website traffic are people who want many clicks on third-party ads. If that is your situation, and you are making most of your money from those clicks, it is a viable option. You have to weigh what you make with those clicks, versus what you are paying to get them. You also have to ask yourself if this is the kind of traffic promotion you want to do. Paying for traffic won’t necessarily garner fans for your site.
What will garner fans and drive up website traffic are blogs. Google Blog Search makes having a blog almost a necessity these days. You should keep it simple and easy — but also keep it honest. The blog is a little advertisement to draw people looking for a particular thing. It gives them a little taste of what the main website has to offer and acts as a people-net. For instance: if you sell lamps, you can have a blog describing the different kinds of lamps you have for sale, which will whet the appetite of someone searching for lamps. They will then likely click on your main site, where the real goodies are. This is one of the greatest ways to get free website traffic.
Another way to get free website traffic is to use search engine optimization. In order to do this, you’ll need some idea of how search engines work. You don’t have to be an expert — or hire one, either — if you don’t mind experimenting a little. Don’t let professional traffic promotion sites tell you otherwise. Don’t think of the internet is an ocean swimming with -search engine optimizing sharks- looking to gobble up all your hopes of more website traffic. Rather, it is a multi-layered ecosystem where different people, at different skill levels, can all thrive if they just learn how to get around. Of course, the option to hire someone is always open to you.
One of the most important things about getting free website traffic is to have a good, functional site. Make your site simple, user-friendly and keep it focused on what you have to offer. If your site content is confusing, varied or bland, it can drive visitors away. The best traffic promotion in the world will amount to nothing if your site isn’t attractive to visitors. Long-term website traffic depends on how well sites deliver what they say they will. The sites that are easy to navigate and deliver what they say they will are the ones that withstand the test of time.
It is better to drive traffic organically from search engine because that is where the conversion happens. You have to work hard for it.
SEO can be explained as follows: Build links to your site on other websites that have allot of popularity. It can be on blogs, directories, or other websites. To do this the web has tones of inexpensive tools. Just do a search on Google for the keyword backlinks…