A good majority of people are on the internet nowadays. Today almost every company has an online presence, selling music, insurance, tvs, clothing etc.
But if we don’t know a site to go to for a product, what do we usually do to find a suitable site? We use a search engine to help find our results, but usually we’ll look at the first few results, and maybe the next few, then move on -so its become something of a race to try and get to page one on Google. But how do you get your business to page one on Google? This is where SEO comes in.
SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization‘, which is basically where your website is tweaked and maintained to make sure you can bring in a maximum amount of visitors to your site, which in turn will help you power your way up the rankings. So how is this done? Search engines such as Google work on the ‘key words’ that you type into them to help you find what your looking for. Knowing what the most searched for phrases are important, as you can optimise the site to include those words, making yourself more likely to be found underneath them. Search engines penalise for over using a phrase, but don’t under use it either. Have as many keywords as you want, but have a select number to really focus on, usually the ones that get typed into a search engine the most. The keywords can also vary from page to page on the website, to get a certain page to page one status on a search engine, so customers can go straight to the product page. Search engines know about the keywords stored on websites and individual pages by sending their search engine robots, known as ‘spiders’ to view the search engine and a few of the site pages.
So in general, SEO can help get more people to see your site, which can lead to more people buying from you and a increase in business.
Interested in finding out more about SEO or giving your site an SEO review? Click on the links to find out more
I think that SEO is getting less popular these days as member of many communities like stumble for example make search inside the community and the reason is simple, there’s less spam and there are many reviews.
I don’t think that SEO is less popular now a days. SEO can help get more people to see your site, which can lead to more people buying from you and a increase in business. It always generate more leads to your business.
I still think it’s a great idea to apply SEO to your business website. Being a real estate sales person I’m starting to see the benefits of SEO.
I’m still in the learning stages though so your site comes just in time 🙂