Your own Online Marketing Course will give you the financial edge that other online marketers are talking about or experiencing. Without your own product to sell it becomes very difficult to make a steady income online. This article will offer three helpful methods to create your own Internet marketing course, should you decide this is for you.
Product Creation Method #1 – Obtaining Private Label Rights
One of hottest trends in online marketing these days are Private Label Rights, more commonly referred to as PLR. In short, PLR means taking an existing product or item for which you have purchased the PLR rights, make it your own product and sell it. PLR rights basically mean “The Rights to Label it as your Own”. One issue, however, is that they are open to the public, therefore making many absolutely worthless. However if you can secure the private label rights to a product that isnβt widely known then this could be a cash cow for you. Just hire someone to rebrand it for you, repackage it and promote it for instant cash.
Product Creation Method #2 – Develop Some Videos
In case you aren’t aware of the trend, online videos are becoming more popular and more widely-used. This same trend applies to online Internet marketing courses. Videos make things a lot easier for your customers as learning from both visual and audio instructions is much more effective than reading a large blob of text. A different but terrific way to utilize video is by making instructional videos around a product for which you are an affiliate. After making your instruction videos, offer them as a free reward for people who make purchases through your affiliate link (for which you get a commission).
A video report will sell a lot more than a written report, so whichever video-method you choose, you will be safe with video.
Product Creation Method #3 – Do Interviews and Record the Audio
I personally prefer this method because even if you’re new at whatever you do, you can still get instant credibility. Furthermore, this method is not used by as much people as PLR for example so you’ll be able to stand out more. For free publicity there are a lot of marketers who will give you an half-hour or even an hour of their time. Request an interview from them and tell them that you’ll be adding it into a future project that you’ll be heavily advertising. An offer to promote a product or service of theirs in your interview or course will usually guarantee their cooperation. After recording the audio interview, rinse and repeat with other marketers, add some “packaging” and your course is ready to go.
While there are other methods of product creation such as writing an e-book, creating graphics, or creating a template of some sort, these are just a few of the common ways that anyone can use to begin to profit over the Internet. You can read more about these on Online Marketing for Beginners. After you have created your own Internet marketing course make sure to find affiliates who will promote it for you. After that, simply cash in those checks and make sure you share some of the proceeds with me π
The difficulty with Private label rights items is people really don’t work with it correctly. People really should either put it to use to obtain suggestions for topics to write about or maybe entirely re-write it or spin and rewrite it and later set their own brand into it.